weight loss surgery options

Health Development confirmed that obesity is a chronic disease are not properly taken lightly and Bamadaafath it must be treated under medical supervision. This disease affects tens of millions around the world. There is also no doubt that affects millions in the Arab world, and who need to know the facts in order to submit to treatment.


The index is calculated density of the body easily by the body weight in kilograms and height in meters. Obesity is satisfactory if:

1 - skip indicator of the intensity of the body number 40.
2 - skip marchers body density figure 35 with the presence of a disease is known to be caused by obesity, such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

Potential complications

Morbid obesity affects social life and mental health as well as increase the cost of living in these patients. They are real problems may lead to the destruction of their lives. But we will be exposed here to the most common health risks, namely:

1 - premature death
2 - Diabetes
3 - high blood pressure and heart disease
4 - the erosion of joints
5 - difficulty breathing, especially during sleep
6 - reflux of stomach acid into the esophagus
7 - Depression
8 - reduced fertility and menstrual disorders in females

Non-surgical options for the treatment of obesity

Adopt programs to reduce non-surgical weight to combine diet and lifestyle changes of the face and between regular exercise from the other side. Inhibitory drugs are also used for appetite as a means to help sometimes, but under careful medical supervision.

Making these non-surgical programs a great success in the few cases the increase in weight and at least this success, the higher the body mass index (BMI) in pathological cases of obesity (obesity) where the percentage of success of these programs with only 5%. This means that only one person out of every twenty persons infected with obesity excessive succeed through diet and sport to lose weight to a satisfactory degree and maintain the new weight for a long period of time.

Based on the statistics of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) of the United States of America, 90% of all participants in these programs regain excess weight within one year only. And make the job harder and brings greater failure in pathological cases of obesity. Has recorded additional health risks for obese who are switching from one diet to another exposed their bodies to severe swings in weight up and down likened to a game of "yo-yo".

Surgical options for the treatment of pathological obesity weight loss surgery options

Returns the growing popularity of weight loss surgery to three factors.

1 - our current knowledge of the health risks against severe obesity sick.
2 - reduction of side effects and complications of surgery with increased experience, as well as decrease compared to the serious complications of obesity sick if not treated.
3 - twice the feasibility of non-surgical options to lose weight effectively and permanently overweight and obese have pathological.

Who is the right person for weight loss surgery?

Put competent medical bodies such surgeries specific rules for the selection of the person who is expected to benefit from them. These rules are:

1 - morbid obesity any body density index should exceed 40 or that exceed the number 35 if the obese suffer from the presence of obesity-related diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure.
2 - also requires that the person has failed to lose weight in an effective and long enough after serious attempts by diet and sports under the supervision of specialists in this field.
3 - also required to make sure that obesity is due to organic disease such as a weak thyroid activity or the presence of Cushing's disease is increased secretion of ultra renal cortex or be due to take a drug cortisone.
4 - must be at least the age of eighteen years, to make sure the growth of the body as insufficient. As for the maximum age can benefit from this surgery is not completely agreed, but most medical authorities in favor of not conducting them after the age of sixty-five.
5 - full understanding of the advantages of surgery and side effects as well as enthusiasm for conducting and willingness to comply with the instructions of the post process.

Types of weight loss surgery

There are many surgical procedures that lead to this purpose, all operations performed on the gastrointestinal tract. It is essential that they do not know include Astisala or fat Hvta. This recent surgery is not intended to lose weight, but to get the best shape in the case of the emergence of a limited part of the body (such as the abdomen) and fall under the name of cosmetic surgery.

There is no doubt that weight loss surgery and performed on the gut leads to a much better shape, but the main goal of which is to maintain the body from disease and giving the obese opportunity to obtain a better life in terms of health, social and psychological as well.

And adopt these surgeries will tailor a small pocket in the stomach offline esophagus who receive food that keeps it long enough to feel full for a long time when dealing with a very small amount. This small pocket in your stomach expands initially for only 25 cm 3 of food or drink, when one deals with this much too easy feeling of fullness and satiety and thus the amount of food that is eaten person after this surgery is very less and reduced weight. This means that this person follows the diet effective without a sense of deprivation and hunger. This surgery does not affect the absorption of food.

Stomach stapling

The picture shows the shape of the stomach after stapling

1 - surgery easy and uncomplicated.
2 - does not include the eradication process any part of the stomach or intestine.
3 - Do not change the operation of the route of food covered by the patient.
4 - do not cause malnutrition and process does not affect the absorption of nutrients, including vitamins and minerals.
5 - began applying stomach stapling surgery in the early eighties of the twentieth century and are therefore more surgeries that have been studied in the long term and that have proven their efficiency in weight loss with rare complications.
6 - stapling can be made through open surgery or through the perspective of the abdominal cavity.

Side effects and disadvantages

Are so many sick people to a vomiting after eating may Ieadeh several times during the months after the operation. And vomiting stops when the patient is aware that the new capacity of the stomach is only 25 cm 3 not beyond.

Intake of food is greater than the capacity of the pocket and even after the sense of satiety may also lead to expansion of the pocket of the stomach in the long term and thus to poor response and stop losing weight.

Stomach belt

This belt is installed on the upper part of the stomach through the laparoscope and under a general anesthetic. And the use of the telescope in this case enables the surgeon to install the belt without making a large incision in the abdominal wall, but through four small wounds ranging in length from a half to 2 cm. The image shows a belt around the stomach.


1 - a simple process for the patient recovers quickly and can leave the hospital the next day and do not leave wounds process only simple effects.
2 - does not include the eradication process any part of the stomach or intestine.
3 - Do not change the stomach of course food in the gastrointestinal tract.
4 - does not cause stomach belt malnutrition.
5 - padded stomach strap inside balloon offline thin tube which is in turn connected to a valve found under the skin. This structure gives the opportunity to inflate the balloon through the injection valve with a special liquid and thus narrows contact between the enclave and the rest of the stomach and slow down this empty pocket so keep a sense of satiety for a longer period. The balloon is inflated belt several times ranging from 2 to 5 times the belt so that gives the best result in weight loss.
6 - the efficiency of the belt in the weight reduction and to prove after his experience for a period of eighteen years.

Side effects and disadvantages

1 - vomiting, as in the case of stapling but occurs at a lower rate.
2 - a widening of the pocket in the long run. If the patient continues to maintain that poor eating habits such as eating even after the feeling of fullness, which may reduce the efficiency of the process.
3 - need to inflatable balloon belt several times until it reaches optimal efficiency to reduce weight.
4 - In rare cases find a way to belt inside the stomach cavity and thus lacking efficiency.
5 - sometimes the patient needs to perform laparoscopic surgery again to adjust the belt setting.
6 - The high price of the belt stomach.

Weight loss surgery through the telescope

Many people mistakenly believe that the telescope abdominal cavity surgery is still in the experimental stage but the fact that it successfully and are widely used in the field of weight loss surgery since the beginning of the nineties of the twentieth century.

As some people believe mistakenly that the telescope is used for oral and without a general anesthetic. In fact, laparoscopic surgery should take place under general anesthetic and includes a 4 to 5 small incisions in the abdominal wall ranging in length between half and two centimeters instead of an open surgical abdominal length as shown in the picture. The endoscope is inserted through a small wounds as surgical instruments is inserted through other small cuts.

When laparoscopic surgery, the surgeon up the telescope with a video camera and so he and his aides to see the details inside the abdomen during surgery and clearly the screen like Almonetor screen TV. The surgeons believe that this method gives them a better view with zoom, which enables them to deal with the minutest details.


1 - less damage to the abdominal wall and thus less likely to inflammation or a hernia surgery.
2 - less pain after surgery.
3 - less stay in the hospital.
4 - quicker return to engage in normal activity and return to work faster.


1 - high costs of laparoscopic surgery for the costs of regular open surgery.
2 - need perform this surgery to a surgeon with a special expertise in the field of obesity surgery as in the field of laparoscopic surgery.

Laparoscopic gastric belt

Anesthesia. Kidney
Pain after the operation. Few and can be overcome simple analgesics oral and disappears completely in a few days.
Length of stay in the hospital. One day.
Back to work. During the week.

Required after the operation. To achieve this surgery the desired result of them should be on the patient to follow a diet doctor who prescribed. Some may wonder if you I will follow a diet, what is the interest if the surgery? Back cite that surgery lets you follow the diet without a sense of deprivation and hunger and therefore the weight loss and the continued preservation of this gain is guaranteed.

Liquids only for 2-3 weeks after the operation and then Lynn food for two weeks and then normal food.

When initially try eating a very small fraction of the drink (or food) estimated half a cup of water at most in each meal, which will give a sense of satiety.

Advised to eat slowly, chew well.
Advised to avoid fluids with solid meals.
Avoid soft drinks.
Avoid drinks and foods that contain a high percentage of sugars.
Walking for hours Aomba.
Regular medical follow-up.

Practical effect in the long term

Do not cause stomach pins or belt any sensitivity or reaction of the body's tissues as you can not sense the presence of either.

In general, the weight loss surgeries result in a loss of more than half of the excess weight while maintaining ideal Standing at this level. Studies have shown that the patient loses weight rapidly during the first six months after surgery and less than the speed of weight loss after that, but continues for a period ranging between 18 to 24 months.

Improve or disappear 96% of the diseases associated with obesity after the operation, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, back pain and breathing disorders and depression.

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