What next weight loss surgery options ?

What next weight loss surgery options ?
There is a lot to consider when thinking about weight loss surgery. You’ll want to seriously think about the range of emotional, physical, mental, and nutritional challenges that come with this life-altering method of weight loss. To discuss weight loss options, including surgery, make an appointment with your physician.
If your physician agrees that weight loss surgery is a reasonable treatment option for you, he or she can make a referral to a surgeon.

Surgeons at Kaiser Permanente locations in Fremont, Fresno, Richmond, and South San Francisco do weight loss surgeries. You will need to make arrangements to travel to the surgery site (and perhaps take time off from work and other family obligations) to meet with the surgical team several times before and after surgery.

Because each person has different needs, the preparation and timeframe for surgery will vary to meet individual needs. This will be reviewed during surgery consultations and much will depend on the following:

• Your current health status. Individuals with uncontrolled conditions, such as diabetes or high blood pressure, are at higher risk for surgery complications. Your health status before surgery could interfere with how quickly you heal after surgery. Once you achieve better control of these conditions, you can usually proceed to surgery.
• Your psychological and emotional readiness for the surgery. Surgery candidates with eating disorders, depression, or anxiety may need to delay surgery until the conditions are properly treated and under control.
• Your demonstrated ability to adopt the suggested nutrition and physical activity lifestyle guidelines. Remember, you will need to live with these changes for the rest of your life.

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