What lifestyle changes should be made before and after surgery?

What lifestyle changes should be made before and after surgery?
Healthy habits, like regular physical activity and nutritious food choices, help prepare you for surgery and for success after surgery. Weight loss prior to surgery is recommended for improving health outcomes.
A physical activity routine should be in place prior to surgery. Physical activity jump starts the weight loss process and can help with healing more quickly, too. Weight loss is not maintained without regular exercise.

Healthy eating includes the type of foods you eat, as well as the amount of food you eat. Surgery changes the way you digest and absorb food. This means you’ll need to be very aware of eating the right kinds of foods, avoiding certain foods and beverages, and carefully planning when you eat. Below are some examples of the guidelines you will need to follow before and after surgery:

• Avoid simple sugars, such as juices or candies.
• Avoid high fat foods and fast foods.
• Avoid carbonated and alcoholic beverages.
• Avoid eating tough, fibrous foods, like popcorn, seeds, corn, and the skin and seeds of fruits and vegetables.
• Chew food thoroughly (30 times per bite) at all meals.
• Take multivitamin and mineral supplements daily.
• Drink fluids only between meals, not with meals.

Healthy living before and after surgery also includes managing your stress and avoiding drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. These healthy habits will help with recovery, as well as long-term weight loss. Surgery is not done on active smokers.

How do I learn more about weight loss surgery and better understand the lifestyle changes necessary for success?
Many Kaiser Permanente facilities offer informational seminars on weight loss surgery. Check with your Health Education Center for more information. You can
learn more about:

• the procedure and how the surgery changes the way you digest and absorb food
• how much weight loss to expect
• the possible risks or side effects of the surgery
• the life-long physical activity and dietary changes that you’ll need to make
before and after the surgery
• how to make lifestyle changes that will improve your weight loss outcomes.